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Experience the serene beauty of sunrise with our Sunrise Paddle Single Kayak Rental. Start your day with tranquility as you paddle solo across the calm waters, basking in the warm glow of the rising sun and immersing yourself in the peaceful ambiance of dawn. Key Features: Captivating Sunrise Views: Witness the breathtaking spectacle of the sunrise from the tranquility of your single kayak. Watch as the sun paints the sky with vibrant colors, creating a mesmerizing backdrop for your morning paddle. Solo Adventure: Enjoy the solitude and freedom of paddling solo as you navigate the waterways at your own pace. The single kayak offers agility and maneuverability, allowing you to explore hidden coves and soak in the beauty of the sunrise. Tranquil Morning Excursion: Embrace the serenity of the early morning hours as you glide across calm waters, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature awakening to a new day. Experience a sense of peace and rejuvenation in the quietude of dawn. All-Inclusive Rental: Your rental includes everything you need for a safe and comfortable paddling experience, from the single kayak to paddles and a life jacket. We ensure that you have all the necessary equipment for your sunrise adventure. Memorable Experience: Create lasting memories as you embark on this unique sunrise paddle, capturing stunning photos and connecting with nature in its most tranquil moments. Allow the beauty of dawn to inspire and energize you for the day ahead. Experience the magic of sunrise on the water with our Sunrise Paddle Single Kayak Rental. Book now and embrace the dawn with a solo adventure you'll never forget!

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  • CategoryKayaks

Rental rules & details

**PLEASE NOTE ALL RENTALS ARE 2 HOURS** -Anyone under the age of 18 must have a parent​​​/​​​guardian present on the water at all times. Life jackets are provided for small adults. -If you are bringing anyone under 8 years old, please ensure you bring life jackets for them. -Single kayaks cannot be operated by anyone under the age of 7. -Our events are designated for individuals aged 18 and above.


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